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Contact : Marc Rocchi M.Rocchi@ommic.com |
OMMIC was founded on January 1, 2000 by Philips, based on a track record of 30 years of cutting–edge research and development in the fields of III/V epitaxy and integrated circuits technologies. OMMIC has a very clear FAB+ strategy of focussing on high added value processes, products
and services for space, telecommunication, defence and security from 1 to 300GHz. OMMIC has its headquarters in Limeil-Brévannes on the outskirts of Paris.
OMMIC has developed a commercial offering based on adding value to the product. The Space Market now represents a significant part of the turnover of the company and consists of standard foundry to turn-key delivery of qualified MMICs and packaged devices.
OMMIC also delivers products (standard, custom and foundry) to the Professional Telecom market –which also requires a very high standard of reliability including extensive testing and evaluation. The Base Station segment of the professional telecom market involves the delivery of over 1 million MMICs per year. These MMICs use the advanced 0.18 µm ED02AH and now the 0.13 µm D01PH technologies – this allows OMMIC to use SPC techniques even on its most advanced processes where normally the volume is too low to apply these statistical techniques.
OMMIC has an advanced roadmap that is fully derived from and in line with its customers needs and includes Europe’s only commercial source for MHEMT technologies, E/D mode PHEMTs and InP HBTs.
Quite recently OMMIC has pursued its industrial process roadmaps to serve all receive and transmit applications beyond 200GHz with high linearity power and low noise processes complementing advanced Si Ge processes.
This includes :
- 70nm low noise MHEMT process with 0,5dB NFmin at 30GHz and 400GHz fmax
- 100nm power GaN HEMT process with 200 GHz fmax and 40V breakdown voltage
- resistive RF MEMS ( using a very innovative structure called FLEXMEMS) as a fully embedded process module into our 180nm ED PHEMT process
The RF MEMS process module has been proven on many functions within the FP7 MEMS4MMIC project :
This includes phase shifters , low loss switches , and even a fully integrated Ku band ( MEMS switch +LNA )redundancy switch. A full ED PHEMT design kit with the MEMS module is now available.
Today OMMIC is an independent SME that employs 75 people and is split into the following departments:
Marketing & Sales
- Applications and Reliability
- Product development, Engineering and Foundry Support
- Process Development and Engineering
- Production (front-end, back-end, test & characterization)
- Epitaxy (development and production)
- Support services (Site Maintenance, Finance& Accounting, Human Resources, Quality & Environment, Logistics, and Purchasing).
OMMIC has a track record of more than 30 years in industrial R&D activities on III/V MMIC solutions.
OMMIC consists of 5 main buildings of which about 1 000 m² is of clean rooms of class 1000 and class 100 which are fully devoted to III-V IC development and fabrication and an additional 390 m² of clean room is used for the Epitaxial growth activity.
- OMMIC Foundry Service
OMMIC has worked on GaAs devices for over 40 years and have provided Foundry services to the open market since the early 1980’s. Based on this long experience, OMMIC provides its foundry customers the information that is necessary for a successful design of a MMIC including:
• Smart Libraries
• Extensive Component modelling (including fully scaleable small signal, large signal and noise models)
• Temperature and process variation dependent models
• Statistical data on component variations
• Advanced DRC and LVS
• Maximum ratings based on extensive measurements
Below is shown an example of a SMART library using library elements and models supplied by OMMIC and a cross section of a MMIC process.
An example of a complete “Smart Library” and a cross-section of OMMIC’s MMIC technologies
OMMIC On Wafer measurement facility
OMMIC performs on wafer measurements in dedicated clean rooms both for in line and end-of-process controls and also dedicated testing for standard, and custom MMICs. These measurements can be DC or RF up to 110 GHz and include small signal, noise, large signal, frequency conversion and power measurements.
Derek SMITH graduated from the University of Liverpool, UK in 1983. After graduating he worked for 3 years in the Electronic Warfare advanced development department of MEL in the UK, followed by 3 years at the Philips Research Laboratory in France (LEP) working on MMIC design and modelling. Since 1991 he has been with the Philips Foundry (PML, then OMMIC) in France at first working on the design of MMIC wideband mixers and later as Marketing and Sales Manager. He has also recently acted as Project Manager for several “RNRT” supported collaborative projects in France and European Space Agency projects.
He is presently Director of the development division.
Mikael Richard received the « diplome d’Ingénieur » from ESIEE Paris in 2005 in Microelectronics. He joined Alcatel Thales III-V Lab in 2005 to work on the development of passive components for GaN MMIC. His work was part of the Korrigan project. He received in June 2009 Ph.D. degree at University Paris 6. Since January 2009 he is working for OMMIC, where is in charge of the process development of MEMS device within MEMS4MMIC project.
Peter Frijilink graduated from Twente University of Technology in the Netherlands in 1982. Has worked since 1980 on MOVPE of III-V compounds, for HEMT transistor technology and quantum well lasers, and on MOVPE reactor technology. He created the planetary MOVPE reactor in 1986, now widely used in the industry.Since 1989, he has worked on III-V pseudomorphic HEMT MMIC processes, creating OMMICs D01PH (100 GHz, 10V) power process in 1995.In 2000, he contributed to the development of large scale production of HEMT wafers , GaInP/GaAs HBT wafers by MOVPE, and more recently to GaAsSb/InP HBT structures, for OMMICs new 300 GHz HBT process. Mr Frijlink holds more than 20 patents. Since 2006, Mr Frijlink has been managing the OMMICs process development and engineering group.